Features / Specs
- Main IC: NXP PCF8563T RTC
- Operating Voltage: 1.0 – 5.5VDC
- Comms Interface: I2C (Up to 400kHz)
- Crystal Frequency: 32.768kHz
- Low Backup Current: 0.25uA @ 3VDC and 25°C
- Programmable clock output for peripheral devices (32.768 kHz, 1.024 kHz, 32 Hz, and 1 Hz)
- Alarm and timer functions
Pin Description
- INT-> Interrupt Output (Open-drain, Active LOW)
- COT-> Clock Output (Open-drain)
- SCL-> I2C Clock
- SDA-> I2C Data
- GND-> Ground
- VCC-> Supply Voltage (1.0 – 5.5VDC)