EFT Payments


Bank: FNB
Branch Code: 250655
Account Type: Cheque Account
Account Number: 6258 1925 438
Account Holder: Make Electronics
Reference: Order Number (eg. #1234)
Kindly send through proof of payment to [email protected] once completed. We will begin processing your order as soon as possible thereafter.


All pricing on our webstore is inclusive of 15% VAT
Make Electronics (Pty) Ltd VAT Number: 4750310643


All payment services, such as Payfast and Zapper for example, charge a small fee for every transaction that takes place using their secure platforms - the fee is a small percentage of the total transaction amount being charged. To account for this, we have opted to include this small fee in the pricing of every product in our store.

If you decide to pay via EFT however, we are more than happy to offer you a discount equal to the aformentioned transaction fee. Since EFT payments do not incur any additonal charges, then there is no reason to pay for these additonal charges. The following coupon code will apply a fixed percentage discount to your cart total. Clicking the button below will automatically apply the coupon and redirect you to your cart.
Please note: The coupon will only be applied if you select the "EFT Payment" option.
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