Built-in Protection: Output Short Circuit; Over Temperature
Dimensions: ~(51mm x 27mm x 12.2mm)
Operation Overview
The potentiometer closest to the input side of the board can be used to adjust the output voltage. Clockwise to increase, and anti-clockwise to decrease
The potentiometer closest to the output side of the board can be used to adjust the constant current setting. Clockwise to increase, and anti-clockwise to decrease
The red LED next to the XL4015 chip indicates CC or CV mode operation. If the module is operating in CV (Constant Voltage) mode the LED will be OFF, if the module is operating in CC (Constant Current) mode the LED will be ON
The red LEDs closest to the output terminals indicate whether a load is connected to the output based on current draw. The LED closest to the output terminals will turn ON if there is no load connected (Current draw less than ~100mA), and the LED next to it will turn ON if there is a load connected (Current draw greater than ~100mA