This 433MHz Transmitter Receiver Set from NiceRF Wireless Technology Co. includes all of the RF components required to set up a unidirectional wireless link. Inclusive in the set is a TX882 transmitter module, an SRX882S receiver module, and two 433MHz helical antennas. Both modules are easy to use and can be directly connected to your desired MCU for quick and easy prototyping.
We do sell each of the items individually, but if you are planning to purchase all the included items, we would recommend that you purchase the set as it does work out to be more cost effective.
Transmitter Specs
- Manufacturer: G-NiceRF (NiceRF Wireless Technology Co.) (Genuine)
- Model: STX882 V1.2
- Operating Frequency Range: 433.82 – 434.02MHz
- Modulation: ASK (Amplitude-Shift Keying)
- Supply Voltage Range: 1.2V – 6.0VDC
- TX Current: 34mA @ 3.3V, 15dBm
- Sleep Current: ≤0.01µA @ DATA = Low Level
- RF Power: 2.4V – 12 to 13.5dBm / 3V – 14 to 15.5dBm / 5V – 19.5 to 20.5dBm
- Data Rate: 0.1 – 9.6Kbps
- Compatible Antenna Impedance: 50Ω
- Operating Temperature Range: -20℃ to +70℃
- Certifications: CE / RoHS / REACH / FCC / ETSI
- Header Pin Pitch: 2.54mm
- Dimensions: ~(15.2mm x 12mm x 6.2mm)
Receiver Specs
- Manufacturer: G-NiceRF (NiceRF Wireless Technology Co.) (Genuine)
- Model: SRX882S V2.0
- Operating Principle: Superheterodyne Receiver
- Operating Frequency Range: 433.82 – 434.02MHz
- Receiver Bandwidth (Typical): 200kHz
- Supply Voltage Range: 2.0V – 5.5VDC
- Receive Start Time (Max): 3ms
- Working Current: <3mA @ 433MHz
- Sleep Current: <0.01µA @ CS = 0
- Sensitivity (Typical): -107dBm
- Data Rate: 0.1 – 9.6Kbps
- Compatible Antenna Impedance: 50Ω
- Operating Temperature Range: -30℃ to +80℃
- Certifications: CE / RoHS / REACH / FCC / ETSI
- Header Pin Pitch: 2.54mm
- Dimensions: ~(35mm x 10.4mm x 2.1mm)
Antenna Specs
- Manufacturer: G-NiceRF (NiceRF Wireless Technology Co.) (Genuine)
- Frequency Range: 433MHz ± 8MHz
- Gain: 2.15dBi
- VSWR: ≤ 1.5
- Impedance: 50Ω
- Max Power: 5W
- Antenna Type: Helical – Right Angle Orientation
- Material Finish: Gold Plated
- Wire Diameter: ~0.5mm
- Coil Dimensions: ~(22mm Length x 4.5mm Diameter)